Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Chapter Twenty Two: A Ray of Sunshine - Margaret Regina

“Why do we have to name her what you want to? Why can’t she have the first name I want?” Rosamund argued. It was the ongoing argument about what we should name our daughter. I wanted to stick with my family tradition of all Hobble children having a British name. It was something that Mom and Dad had started with us kids and all of the grandkids so far had British names. I didn’t want to have the first grandkid that didn’t have one.

“It’s a tradition, Rosamund.”

“But what about my family’s tradition? That all girls have a name starting with an “R”? Why do we have to do yours but not mine?! Afterall, she’ll have your last name.”

We had been having this argument for months. I was hoping that once we arrived in Appaloosa that she might give in but it had only made her dig her heals in even more. I was about at my wits end. We had been staying at her parents’ house for about a month and a half and I’d had about all I could take. I had only seen my family a handful of times since Rosamund’s family monopolized our time. I suppose I could have gone to my parents’ house alone but I wondered what her parents would think. Would they think I was a bad husband for leaving my very pregnant wife while I went out? The last thing I needed was to have Robert or Regina think bad of me. I knew they already thought less of me. Rosamund and I had tried to hide the fact that we didn’t get along much but every once in a while we would argue when they were home.

I was thankful that they had both gone shopping and weren’t there to hear the reoccurring name argument.

“Really? Not this argument again. . .”

“What?! It’s the truth! She’ll have your last name so why can’t she have the first name I want?”

I clenched my fists and closed my eyes. I actually understood her argument and I might have been more receptive to her suggestion if she wasn’t so aggressive about it. It didn’t help that I didn’t feel like she was giving my argument any merit.

“We have to decide something, Jefferson. She could come any day now.”

“It’s still one week before her due date.”

“Anytime means anytime.” She warned. “So why don’t we stop arguing and just go with the name I like. It would make things so much simpler.”

I couldn’t take it anymore. It felt like the walls were starting to close in on me. I walked over to the foyer table and grabbed my keys. “Where are you going?!”

“To my parents’ house. I haven’t seen them since my birthday and I think they might appreciate it if I visited them a little more often, since I am in town, afterall.”

“What if I go into labor?!”

“I have my cell. Plus, you’re not alone; the butlers here.”

“Jefferson! You can’t just leave me! What if something happens to me, or the baby?!”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Rosamund. It’s not like I’m going to a different town. It’s less than three blocks from here.”

“Jefferson! Don’t go we can talk about this. . .” I closed the front door before she could waddle towards it to stop me. 

I got in my car and drove down the hill to my parents’ street. I felt absolutely horrible that I had seen them so rarely while we had been here. I had almost not seen them on my, Charlie, and Bridge’s birthday since Rosamund had tried to keep us from going. She claimed she didn’t feel well and wanted us to stay at her parents instead of celebrating with my family. When I made it clear that I was going to my parents’ house with or without her, she miraculously felt well enough to go. She acted miserable the whole time we were there and I had been completely embarrassed. Even Mom looked unhappy and that was saying a lot. I pulled up to the gate and entered in the code for it to open.

I pulled into the drive and saw that Bridge’s SUV was there. I pulled in behind her and closed the car door. Before I could make it up the stairs the front door was opening. 

“Uncle Jeff!” Charles came running out of the house and hugged me.

“Hey kiddo!” I said as I hugged him back.

“Where’s Aunt Rosamund?” 

“She didn’t feel good today so she didn’t come with.” He nodded and ran back into the house. I followed him in and was immediately bombarded by family.

“Jeff! What are you doing here?” Mom exclaimed as she came out of the kitchen into the hallway.

“I wanted to spend some time with you all before the baby got here. Plus I felt kind of bad about my birthday.”

She nodded and made an unhappy face. “Well, it was definitely. . .something. I’m glad you were able to get away for a bit and visit us. Kate and I are finishing making lunch. Can you stay and eat?”

“You think I’m going to pass up some of your cooking? I’d have to be insane to do that.” She smiled and hugged me before going back into the kitchen.

I noticed someone walking out of the family room and I turned to see who it was. I was Scarlett walking while studying a music book.  She continued to walk with her head in the book until she walked right into me. “Oh! I’m sorry. . .Jeff?”

I laughed. “You wouldn’t have even noticed I was here if you hadn’t run into me.”

She blushed. “Sorry. I was reading. . .”

“. . .About music. What a shock.” I teased her. “Can I at least have a hug?” She smiled and hugged me.

“Do Charlie and Bridge know you’re here?”

“I doubt it since I just got here.”

She smiled “Are you eating lunch with us?”

“I sure am.”

She hugged me again and went back to walking and reading her book. I sometimes felt bad for Scarlett. She was so much younger than Charlie, Bridge and me that in some ways, she seemed more of a niece to Bridge and me than a sister. She was only two years older than Charles. From what I had heard from Bridge, Charlie was almost like another father figure to her, rather than a brother.  She seemed to not really mind, though.

“I must be hearing things! I could have sworn I heard. . .” I looked towards the stairs and Charlie was coming down them with Bridge and Carson behind him.  “Someone pinch me, I’m seeing things! It must be a mirage or something! That can’t possibly be my little brother standing in the hallway!”

I shook my head. “Nope. Not a mirage. I’m actually here.”

“What did you have to do to get here?” He asked as we hugged. 

“Let’s just say that it wasn’t all peaceful when I left.” I admitted. I looked at Bridge and she was bitting her lip. “Still having to bite that lip, I see.” I joked with her.

She nodded and we hugged. “Is it wrong of me to say that I’m happy that you’re here by yourself?”

I attempted a smile. Truth was, I was happy that I was there by myself too.

“It’s good to see you, Jeff! Haven’t had much of a chance to talk to you since you’ve been home. How’s the campus house?” Carson asked after we hugged.

“It’s good. I’m a little stressed though about the nursery. I hadn’t gotten much done before we left. Part of that was our indecisiveness about which room to use.”

“What room did you decide on?” Bridge asked.

“I think it used to be Julia’s room? The one to the right of the second floor bathroom.”

“Yeah, that used to be her room. Mine was to the left.” Bridge admitted.

“Speaking of babies. . .where are all the twins?” I wondered.

The three of them started laughing. “They’re all asleep in the nursery. Bridge and Carson brought their portable sleepers over and we somehow managed to get them all to take a nap. It’s like a miracle!” Charlie explained.

I chuckled. “That does sound like a miracle. Three sets of twins all taking a nap at the same time.”

I heard the front door open behind me. “Surely I’m seeing things! I could have sworn I saw Jeff’s car in the drive!” Dad joked as he entered the house. I turned around and we hugged.

“Hey, Dad! I know, it’s pretty rare to see it in the drive these days.”

“How’s Rosamund doing?”

“Very pregnant, and very moody.”

He nodded. “Well, that happens in the last couple months sometimes.”

“Yeah, we’ll blame it on the pregnancy.” I heard Bridge say under her breath and Carson tried to shush her.

“I’m going to go see if your mom needs help. You staying for lunch?” I nodded. “Good! Gonna be a housefull!” I watched as he walked into the kitchen.

“So, any news on the name front?” Charlie asked as we walked into the living room.

“No.” I said bluntly.

“I guess Charlie and I have been fortunate. Kate or Carson either haven’t cared or their family names work with our family naming traditions.”

“Yeah, well, that isn’t so with the Carter family. Either our family tradition is about to be broken or theirs is.”

“Can’t you come up with a British name that starts with an R?” Carson asked.

“Not one that we can agree upon. I swear she’s going to be ‘Girl Hobble’ for a good while after she’s born.”

We were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. 
“Hello?” I jumped up the second I heard her voice. I walked into the hallway and peaked around the corner.


She looked over at me and looked confused. “I saw your car but I didn’t think you’d be here today.” I wasn’t sure if she was disappointed.

“Yeah, I decided to visit home today.”

“Where’s Rosamund?”

“She’s at her parents’ house. She. . .wasn’t in the mood to come.”

“Oh. Well, Kate invited me over for lunch but if it’s a family thing. . .”

“Don’t be silly! You’re family!” Bridge said as she walked into the foyer. 

“I don’t want to impose. . . “

“You’re not imposing, Star.” I tried to reassure her.

She nodded and looked towards the kitchen. “Is Kate in the kitchen?”

“Yeah, she’s helping Mom with lunch.” Bridge told her.

“Thanks.” I watched her walk into the kitchen and then turned to see Bridge looking at me.


“Nothing.” She said and immediately started biting her lip.

I shook my head. “At least you’re keeping your comments to yourself.” She looked like she was going to burst and she ran back into the living room to Carson. I had actually missed living with her outspokenness and Carson’s fun personality. I stood there in the foyer wishing that I was able to see more of my family. Only one more year of school and then I planned to move back to Appaloosa. I was sure Rosamund would want to move back to be near her family. I was going to make sure when that happened that I spent more time with mine.

“Lunch is ready!” Mom announced. We all crowded into the dining room and Kate and I saw each other. 

“Jeff! So glad you could join us for lunch!”

“Me too.” I admitted.

We all piled around the table. I ended up sitting between Bridge and Star. It wouldn’t have surprised me if Bridge planned it that way. We all ate lunch and had a nice time talking and catching up. Star and I even talked to each other about what we had been doing since we had gotten home to Appaloosa. When lunch was over, Mom and Dad cleaned the dishes while the rest of us went into the living room to talk.

“I’m surprised Rosamund hasn’t called you yet.” Bridge admitted.

“I am too.”

“Are you expecting her to go into labor?” Kate asked.

“No. She just wasn’t very happy that I chose to come here.”

An uncomfortable silence fell over the room and I looked over at Star. She immediately looked away when we made eye contact. I was starting to wonder if coming home was such a good idea.

“I’m going to go check on the twins.” Bridge announced. We all watched as she left the room to go upstairs.

“You know, Jeff, Kate and I thought we were only having one and were very surprised when she went into labor and two girls came out. You never know. . .”

“I’ve asked the doctor to check and recheck. I’m pretty sure there’s only one and that it’s a girl.”

“I’m just saying. . .”

“Don’t listen to him, Jeff. He’s just being his normal pestering self.” Kate joked. 

I watched as Charlie walked up behind her and put his arms around her. I was once again questioning my decision to some here. It was only a painful reminder that everyone in my family had happy, loving marriages and that mine was anything but.

“Look who was up. . .” Bridge said as she entered the living room. I turned to see her carrying a baby. “This is George. George, meet your uncle Jeff.” She handed him over and I stood there looking down at the little baby in my arms.

“I’m telling you, he looks just like Jeff did as a baby.” Mom said as she entered the living room. 

“I don’t know, Mom. I just don’t see it.” Bridge said. The rest of the family chimed in with their opinions as I just kept staring down at the little bundle that was staring back at me.

“I’m guessing it won’t be long before you’ll be in the hospital holding. . .what name did you two decide on?” Star asked as stood next to me, looking down at George.

“We haven’t.”

“Oh. . .same argument as before?”

I nodded. “I may have to give in. Rosamund’s right, she’ll have my last name so I guess it’s only fair that her first name be what she wants.”

We were all startled by the front door opening. “Jefferson?” I closed my eyes at the sound of her saying my name. Then I opened them quickly when I started to wonder how she had gotten there. Her belly was too big for her to get behind the steering wheel of a car. I turned around and she was glaring at me and then Star. She didn’t even pay any attention to the baby.

“How did you get here, Rosamund?”

“I had the butler drive me since I was stranded alone at home.” She said nastily.

“You could have called my cell phone.”

“I shouldn’t have had to. You should have been home with me in the first place.” I looked around the room and everyone was staring at her. I had only thought that her behavior at the birthday party was embarrassing. This was far, far worse. I calmly walked over to Bridge who was giving Rosamund a look of death and handed her George. I then calmly walked over to Rosamund.

“If you’re finished, I think it’s time to leave.”

“Why?! You were so determined to come here, why leave now? You’re obviously having more fun here than at home with your pregnant wife. . .”

I grabbed her arm and tried to gently guide her to the door. “Don’t touch me! I’ll leave when I’m good and. . .” She stopped mid-sentence and her eyes got wide.

“Someone call 911!” Bridge yelled.

Everyone started scrambling. “What? What is it?”

“Her water just broke. She’s gone into labor.”

I looked down at the ground and saw fluid pooling around her feet. “NOW!?”

“Yes! Now! This is all your fault! If you hadn’t have come here, I wouldn’t have had to follow you and I wouldn’t have gotten upset.”

“Really? You’re trying to blame this on me? You’re the one that said you could go into labor at anytime!”

“This probably isn’t the time to get into this. . .” Mom whispered in my ear. She was right. I helped Rosamund to one of the couches and she immediately started to yell out in pain. I sat down next to her and let her squeeze my hand whenever she had a contraction.

The paramedics soon arrived and were helping Rosamund lay down on the stretcher. I had a sudden flashback to the last time I had seen her on a stretcher and froze. What if something happened again? What if after all these months we found out that something was wrong. . .?

“Jeff, you need to go with them.” Dad was whispering behind me.

“Jefferson, don’t leave my side!” Rosamund cried out. I was finally able to snap myself out of my thoughts and move.

“We’ll call Rosamund’s parents and be at the hospital soon!” Mom yelled after us. I jumped into the ambulance after they loaded Roasmund in and we sped through the several streets between Mom and Dad’s and the hospital. Once we arrived the paramedics rushed us to a labor room and I helped Rosamund change into her hospital gown.

“Jefferson! She can’t be born! Not without a name!” I didn’t understand her logic. Of course she could be born without a name. Lots of people named their children after they were born.

“Rosamund, don’t worry about that right now. We’ll figure it out later.”

“No! I want her to have a name now!” I couldn’t believe she was insisting on us choosing a name in between her having contractions. I was about to tell her that we could name her what she wanted but was shocked by what came out of her mouth. “We can name her what you want and she can have the name I want as her middle name.”

I looked at her like she had grown two heads. “Why?”

“What do you mean why? Who cares! I’m letting you name her it doesn’t matter why!”

“You’ve fought me for months about this and you’re just going to give in. . .there has to be a reason.”

“Damn it, Jefferson! I’m in an incredible amount of pain here! The last thing I want to do is have this discussion with you right now. Do you want to name her or not?!!!”

The nurses were all staring at us. I looked back over at Rosamund as she screamed from having another contraction. I walked over and held her hand and she squeezed mine so hard I thought it was going to pop off. She finished having the contraction and looked at me. I nodded and she looked relieved until another contraction came.

“Are they supposed to be this close together?” I asked one of the nurses. I watched as she reached under the sheet. 

“The babies coming. Where’s the doctor?” She calmly asked one of the other nurses.

“I’m here! Sorry! I was in my office with a patient so it took a minute to get here.” He turned to Rosamund and me. “I’m doctor. . .”

“I don’t give a rats ass who you are! Just get this baby out of me, NOW!!!” Rosamund yelled at him and then screamed as she had another contraction.

“Alright then, with the next contraction  bare down and push. It shouldn’t take much since the baby’s head is right here.”

Rosamund nodded and started to have another contraction. She pushed two times and the doctor told her to stop. I noticed that the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck and the doctor calmly removed it. “Okay, push one more time and you should be saying hello to your baby.”

I watched as Rosamund pushed one last time and stared in awe as our daughter was born. My joy soon turned to worry as I realized that she wasn’t making any noise. “Is she okay?” I asked the doctor. The doctor placed her on Rosamund’s belly and the baby immediately started crying.

“She’s fine. Got a good set of lungs too.” The doctor admitted. Before I knew what was happening, he was handing me a set of scissors and I was cutting the umbilical cord. One of the nurses came over and grabbed her to clean her up.

“So, does she have a name?” The doctor asked and I noticed a couple of the nurses exchange a look. I looked over at Rosamund and she nodded.

“Margaret Regina.” I told him.

He smiled. “What a lovely name.” While he finished helping Rosamund I turned to look at her. I couldn’t help but think that she didn’t seem as enthused as I had heard new moms usually were. She wasn’t upset, but she didn’t seem happy either.

“Are you okay?” I asked her

“I’m fine. I’m just tired from all of that.”

“I don’t know how you did that. That was. . .amazing.”

She slightly smiled. “Did anyone call my parents?”

“Mom said she would. I’m sure they’re all in the waiting room. We can still name her Regina if you want. We haven’t filled out any paperwork. . .”

“No. It’s fine.” I still thought it was odd that she gave in so easily but didn’t want to push the issue at that moment. We were interrupted by a nurse bringing us Margaret. She handed her to Rosamund and she immediately started crying. Rosamund tried to calm her down but nothing she tried worked.  “Here, you hold her.” Rosamund held her up slightly and I took her. She immediately stopped crying and I looked down at her. 

“Maybe we could call her Maggie for short.” I suggested.

“Sure. Fine.” Rosamund responded.

“There’s quite a few people in the waiting room. Do you want us to let some of them in or do you want to wait a minute?” One of the nurses asked. I looked at Rosamund.

“They can come back.” The nurse left and within a minute our parents were hurrying into the room.

“Oh my goodness! How’s my baby girl?” Regina cried as she went over to Rosamund.

“It was awful Momma! It hurts so bad!”

“Oh, I’m sure they’ll give you something for the pain. Why aren’t you holding the baby?” 

“I’m tired after all of that.” Her mom nodded and walked over to me and the baby.

“Wow, I can’t figure out who she looks like. . .I think she may have a little of both of your looks.” Mom said. She and Regina discussed which features they thought resembled each of us.

“What’s her name?” Robert asked and looked at me.

“It’s Margaret Regina.” Rosamund answered him.

“Regina? You named her after me?”

“We had to give her an “R” name somewhere and that was the one that I liked.” Rosamund admitted.

“I feel so honored.” I watched as Regina walked over to Rosamund and hugged her.

“Do you want to hold her?” I asked Mom.

“Of course!” Mom exclaimed and I passed Maggie off to her. Each parent took a turn holding her and congratulating us. After each parent had a turn holding her, they left the room so Charlie and Bridge could have a turn coming in. We had found out that Kate and Carson had stayed behind at the house to watch all the kids.

Once they had held Maggie and given their congratulations, Bridge handed her back to Rosamund and looked at me. “So, there’s two more people that are here and would like to offer their congratulations. . .”

She peaked her head out the doorway and I smiled when I saw who walked through the door. Star and Peter quietly came in as Bridge and Charlie left.

“Oh my gosh! She’s so little!” Star exclaimed.

“Do you want to hold her?” Rosamund was once again passing her off to someone else.

“Are you sure?” Star shockingly asked. Rosamund nodded and Star went over to hold Maggie.

“Congratulations!” Peter said to both of us.

“Thanks!” I said.

“So. . .does she have a name?” Star wondered.

“Margaret Regina.” Rosamund offered.

“That’s so pretty!” Star gushed. “Do you want to hold her?” Star asked Peter. He nodded and I watched as Star handed Maggie to Peter. I thought it was nice how they were trying to get along. I wondered if they’re was really no hope of the two of them ever being friends again. After Peter held her for several minutes, he handed her back to Rosamund.

“I guess we should get going; let you all get some rest.” Star looked at Peter and they exchanged a look.

“Yeah. We probably should.”


“Thanks.” Rosamund said as she tried to get Maggie to stop crying.

“Do you mind if I walk them back to the waiting room?” I asked Rosamund.

“No, but could you put her in the bassinet? I’m too tired and in too much pain to hold her right now.” I picked Maggie up and then placed her in the bassinet.

“I’ll be right back.” I told Rosamund and she nodded.

“Thanks for coming.” I thanked both of them once we got into the hallway.

“You don’t have to thank us, Jeff. We both wanted to be here when she was born.” Star said.

“Yeah, but I know how things have been between all of us the last several months. I just want you to know that I really appreciate it.”

“No problem. You better get back in there before she sends the whole hospital looking for you.” Peter joked. 

We hugged and patted each other on the back. “Thanks, Peter.”

“Anytime.” He said and then stepped out of the way.

I looked over at Star and she smiled at me. “Congratulations, again.” I hugged her and she very stiffly hugged me back. “Peter’s right, you should get back in there.” I pulled back and she smiled at me again.

“Thanks again guys, for coming. It really does mean a lot.” They both smiled at me and waved as I stepped back into the room.  I looked over at Rosamund and noticed that she had fallen asleep. I was about to go check on her when I heard a little noise to my left. 

I turned and walked over to the bassinet. Maggie was laying there awake and had wiggled herself out of the swaddled blanket. I smiled as I undid the blanket and then swaddled her again. She had the biggest eyes and they stared at me the whole time. When I was finished, I picked her up and looked down at her. Here in my arms was the first ray of sunshine that I had experienced after what seemed like years of darkness. My sweet Margaret Regina.

A little Note:

We've finally come to Jeff's first ray of sunshine. Throughout the rest of his story, there will be several rays of sunshine; all important for different reasons. Maggie is the first source of hope for Jeff after several years of, what he would call, darkness. 

Hospital Labor Poses
We Heart It 


  1. Awww Jeff. <3
    Hmm...When you marry someone, you're supposed to compromise on certain things like traditions. Of course, it's hard, but if you love the person, you'll try. I feel like neither party should have to give up their tradition, I think that you did a great job showing the conflict between Jeff and Rosamund throughout the chapter because she was so unwilling to work with Jeff, it showed that she isn't with him for the right reasons. Neither of them are very supportive of each other, but I don't blame Jeff at all because it seems like Rosamund just wants to isolate Jeff from everyone he cares about.

    I am a little wierded out why Rosamund would suddenly just give in to the name after fighting him so hard about it earlier, o.O I'm happy Jeff finally has one ray to light his way out of darkness.

    1. Aww, thanks LateKnight! It's not hard to write the conflict between Jeff and Rosamund at this point. It's really sad how miserable he is right now and it's starting to show in the way he treats her. Even nice, caring Jeff can't help but let that happen at this point.

      Exactly! Neither of them are supportive of each other. Rosamund really never was, at least for the right reasons. She's been "supportive" of his future career but it's been in her interest to do so. He was supportive at one time but he's just so over it now.

      It is odd that she did that, isn't it. . .? Knowing Rosamund, there's probably a reason for it. :D

      Finally! A ray of sunshine for Jeff!! Here's hoping some more are on their way soon.

      Thanks for reading and commenting, LateKnight!

  2. ... I know I'm a terrible person for saying this - but I kinda hope Rosamund is a terrible mother. Maybe then Jeff and this poor child can be rid of her. I'm absolutely 100% against Rosamund raising children. Maybe it's just the hate I hold for her because she's such a miserable selfish woman - ahem...

    This chapter was so hard for a bunch of reasons. Seeing little baby George when he is already all grown up in his own story... not to mention sweet and perfect Carson... And now it's father's day and I'm all sappy for si m's father's and their struggles.

    1. :D I want to tell you what happens, but I won't. LOL! I will say that I agree that Rosamund really has no business raising children. It's a good thing Maggie has Jeff as her dad. :)

      Yeah, I couldn't help putting George in there. It was too tempting and the timing worked out perfectly for it. So why not? Lol! It's always a bittersweet moment to see Carson. It's harder to get him in here since Jeff and Rosamund are still living at college. Maybe we'll see more of him in the future.

      Happy Father's Day to Jeff! I hadn't even thought about this chapter being posted near Father's Day. Funny how that just worked out. :D

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting, MandySaurus!

  3. Awe! What a cutie!! I love that Jeff has a ray of hope and sunshine in his life right now when he needs it most. So, is it really terrible that I kept wishing Rosamund would just die from childbirth? I know, I wouldn't wish that on anyone, really, but for her, I'd make an exception...I'm so terrible. :(

    Again, almost cried @ seeing Carson! I LOVED seeing that guy! So glad I was able to get to this story as well. Oh, and Bridge KNOWS about Jeff and Star. I KNOW it! She's too freakin' smart and I know she knows! LOL! She probably ran off to tell!

    Oh, and baby George! Actually, it was a little weird to see baby George when he's an adult in a whole 'nother story. I thought it was super funny! :D

    1. He needed this little ray so badly! Even though some of the blame for this mess is his, I still feel bad for him.

      That would have been too easy. . .gotta draw his misery out some more. :D

      Carson. . .I'm sorry, I started daydreaming for a moment and forgot what I was doing. lol! I just couldn't resist putting him in this chapter. One thing I think shows from this chapter is that Jeff's relationship with his family isn't as close as it once was. He doesn't have as much contact with them as he used to. It's a little sad, really.

      Hahaha! When it comes to herself and her life, Bridge can be bit oblivious; but when it comes to others. . .Bridge is very perceptive. Not saying that she knows something but if she did, she'd definitely run and tell Carson. LOL!!

      I like to tie in the two stories sometimes so that was me tipping my hat to George in Jeff's story. :D (Since he is Jeff's mini me. lol)

      Thanks for reading and commenting, lovesstorms!

  4. I don't trust her. Is she going through postpartum depression?! That's kind of sudden. I doubt she is, she's just evil. to.the.core!

    Carson. George. LE FRICKIN SIGH!!!

  5. It's very wise of you to not trust Rosamund. As she's proven time and time again, she is very untrustworthy. The next chapter will explain her actions which of course are purely selfish. And you are right, she is evil to the core.

    Aww, yeah I loved seeing Carson and George in this chapter too.

    Thanks for commenting and reading!

  6. Rosalind is just awful! All that fuss over a name just to give in just like that, I don't blame Jeff for asking why. Rosa mound has done a good job of isolating Jeff from his friends and family, it's time her reign of terror to be over! Rosamund didn't seem to connect with the baby which doesn't bode well for the future. I have serious doubt she'd be a remotely good mother. I'm glad Jeff sees the baby as a ray of sunshine in an otherwise bleak situation.

    1. Her reason for giving in to the name is just. . .well, it goes along with her thinking which we all know is faulty. lol!

      She's manipulated him and the rest of them to get what she wants and it's made just about everyone miserable, including Jeff's family. It's really sad though how he's been separated from the stable Hobble family. Hopefully that will change in the future.

      Her interaction with the baby is shown more in the next several chapters, but you're right, she's less than thrilled. It was a way for her to get attention and the only relationships Rosamund wants to have are ones that she can get what she wants out of them. . .a baby isn't going to give her much so. . .O_O

      Even though he would have rather not brought a child into this situation, he will always be thankful that he has Maggie. She was the first good thing that happened after years of misery.

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
