Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Chapter Twenty Five: The Final Act of Desperation

This chapter is a little shorter than others, but sometimes big things come in small packages. ;) Thanks so much for reading!


I was awoken around seven by a noise and I sat straight up and my heart raced as I frantically looked around the room. I sat perfectly still as I stared at the door, wondering if I was soon going to see Rosamund barge through it. I felt relief wash over me as I heard Maggie making sucking noises from her crib and I smiled as I got up from the bed. As I reached the crib, I looked down and watched her thinking that she had to be the most beautiful baby girl on the planet.

I was about to pick her up when heard my phone notify me that I had a new test message and headed to the nightstand to check it. I prayed that it wasn’t Rosamund and was relieved when I saw that the message was from Mom.

Should be there in the next two hours. Cant’ wait to see you and Maggie!

I stood blankly looking at the text. After the fiasco a couple of hours ago, I had completely forgotten that Mom was coming to visit. What was I going to tell her? How would she respond? I had never heard Mom complain like others that I had married Rosamund, but in the last year I could tell that even she thought it hadn’t been the wisest decision. Would she tell me that now? How would others respond? Would they pity me or would they say they told me so about her?

Maggie made another noise and I looked down at her. It was about time for her feeding and I needed to get her a bottle. I quickly put on a shirt and then picked her up. As I walked out to the kitchen I didn’t hear any indication that either Star or Peter was up and I was again relieved since I really didn’t want to see anyone at that moment. 

I stood in the kitchen as I waited for the bottle to heat up and my thoughts went to Mom and how I wished that she wasn’t coming; all I wanted was to be alone with Maggie and to shut out the rest of the world. I knew that wasn’t going to be possible once Mom got there though; I hurriedly heated up the bottle and rushed to the bedroom, hoping to get some time to collect my thoughts before Mom showed up. Right as I opened the door, I heard footsteps starting to come down the stairs and I promptly closed and locked the door.


I started to walk down the stairs and thought I heard Jeff’s bedroom door. As I peeked around the corner I saw the door closing and then heard it lock. To say I was relieved would have been an understatement. I knew how uncomfortable Jeff was going to be around us after what happened hours ago, and to be honest, I was going to be uncomfortable; some of the exchanges that had occurred were more than embarrassing for me. The actual reason why Peter and I broke up hadn’t been revealed, but it was obvious now that it somehow involved Jeff. It had to have been since the three of us knew and he didn’t. But with all that had happened, I wasn’t sure if Jeff had caught on to that or if he was too engrossed in what he had gone through to notice.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Chapter Twenty Four: Seeing For the First Time

So I left you wonderful readers with quite the cliffhanger for a couple of months. . .Sorry! It's been challenging to figure out how to write both this story and Listening after school started. I also had Rosamund overload. . .I can only take so much of her. lol! Hopefully, I'll be able to publish chapters on a more frequent basis. Thanks for your patience! Hope this was worth the wait! ;)

Right before the pizza arrived I noticed that Rosamund had come out of the bedroom. I had never heard her come out and wondered how long it had been since she had come out. She walked over to where I was and looked down at Maggie laying in the bassinet. “I’m sorry that I got upset earlier. My emotions have just been all over the place lately.”

I nodded. “I should have told you that Star and Peter were going to be here. I just didn’t want to upset you before we got home.”

“I know. It’s okay.” I heard a door slam and I saw Peter come out of the doorway that led to the rooftop. He walked past us and started to go up the stairs.

“I thought you were hungry?” I called after him.

“I lost my appetite.” He said as he continued to walk up the stairs and I then heard him slam his door.

I looked at Rosamund and then over at Star. “What’s up with him?”