Monday, May 5, 2014

A Little Peek of Things to Come. . .

I know it's been a LONG time since I posted a new chapter for Jeff's story and I'm so sorry! One thing that this break I've taken has done is to help get the creative juices flowing again. In the last three days I've written five new chapters for Jeff!

I feel so bad about not having a new chapter for so long, that I thought I would give you a peek of what's to come. :D My sim friend, Blythelyre, recently did this and I loved it!

I've done this for both Listening and this story. As with the ones I did for Listening, most of them it's pretty obvious who's talking but what might not be so clear is what they're talking about. There are a lot more for Jeff though since there are more pre-written chapters to choose from.

***If you don't want to have even a small hint about what's coming up in the story, you might not want to read these. They are pretty vague but they do hint at what's to come. :) Also, there is some language.****


“Is that a problem. . .Why wouldn’t it be?” She kept looking confused and I sighed. I was going to have to go a different route to find out what was really going on since she wasn’t picking up on what I really wanted to know. I decided to just flat out ask her.  “Star, why didn’t you mention them to me?”

She blinked several times before answering. “I guess I figured that you’d find out about them at some point. Since they didn’t come up, I didn’t think about them.”


“Peter, please talk to me. I said I was sorry. . .”

“I know you did, Star, but you don’t even realize what is really wrong here.”

“What in the world are you talking about Peter? You’re upset that I didn’t tell you about what Jeff and I talked about.”

I nodded and turned around to look at her again. “Yes, but it’s why you didn’t that matters.”


Asshole! Jerk! I picked up one of my pillows and turned around to fling it at the door. It didn’t give me the relief I was looking for so I picked up another, and then another. Soon there was a pile of pillows in front of the door and I still didn’t feel better. I stared at the pile of pillows and was tempted to fall into them but was surprised by a knock on the door.


 “Star. . .”
“I’m fine, Jeff. I just think I need some time alone.” I lied. I couldn’t remember a time in our lives that I had lied to him and the fact that I just had made me feel even worse than I did.

He hesitated for a moment and then put his hand on my arm. “If you want to talk, you know where to find me.” I nodded and continued to not look at him as he took his hand away and walked toward the door.


“We didn’t do that last time; we were going to wait till after the ultrasound to talk about names. Why don’t we do that this time?” I watched as her smile quickly vanished from her face.  The coloring in her face almost went white and then, just as suddenly,  turned a shade of red that I had never seen before.

“Fine! We’ll talk about it after!” She stormed off and slammed the bedroom door behind her. I had no idea what had just happened. I was honestly just glad that she was gone.


“Jefferson, are you sure you don’t want to talk about names before we go?”

He sipped his coffee slowly before answering. “No. I think it might be better to wait. Plus, you never know, we may have to come up with more than one.”

I stopped eating and stared at him. I had never even thought of that being a possibility. Both his older brother and sister were twins and each of them had a set of twins. Bridgette was about to have her second set of twins. “Surely the reason Charlie and Bridgette had twins is because they’re twins.” I argued.


“I just like looking nice when Jefferson gets home and a couple nights ago, while we were lying in bed, he told me this was one of his favorites. ‘Never hurts to look good for your husband.’ That’s what my momma always told me.”

Star immediately started to act uncomfortable. “Plus, I think this dress shows off my growing belly. I think you’d agree with me that Jefferson is going to make a wonderful daddy.” That was just enough to make her face grow red.


I heard the squeaking noise of her getting out of her desk chair and soon she opened the door. I couldn’t help but smile as she did, her hair was piled on top of her head and she was actually wearing her glasses, something that she didn’t do very often.

“Must be serious if you’re wearing your glasses.” I teased her.

“Well, it is finals you know.” She actually smiled back.


I was laying on my bed rereading an accounting chapter for the next day’s final when I heard a knock at my door. It was too heavy of a knock to be Star so I figured it was Jeff since Rosamund would never knock on my door.

“Come in.” I watched the door open and saw Jeff. “Figured it was you.” I said as I got up.

“X-ray vision?” He joked.

“I wish.” I admitted. As I looked at him I noticed that he looked down. I immediately thought of the baby. “Everything okay with the baby?”


 “Anytime means anytime.” She warned. “So why don’t we stop arguing and just go with the name I like. It would make things so much simpler.”
I couldn’t take it anymore. It felt like the walls were starting to close in on me. I walked over to the foyer table and grabbed my keys. “Where are you going?!”

“To my parents’ house. I haven’t seen them since my birthday and I think they might appreciate it if I visited them a little more often, since I am in town, afterall.”


“I must be hearing things! I could have sworn I heard. . .” I looked towards the stairs and Charlie was coming down them with Bridge and Carson behind him.  “Someone pinch me, I’m seeing things! It must be a mirage or something! That can’t possibly be my little brother standing in the hallway!”


“How’s Rosamund doing?”

“Very pregnant, and very moody.”

He nodded. “Well, that happens in the last couple months sometimes.”

“Yeah, we’ll blame it on the pregnancy.” I heard Bridge say under her breath and Carson tried to shush her.


“You’re not imposing, Star.” I tried to reassure her.

She nodded and looked towards the kitchen. “Is Kate in the kitchen?”

“Yeah, she’s helping Mom with lunch.” Bridge told her.

“Thanks.” I watched her walk into the kitchen and then turned to see Bridge looking at me.


“Nothing.” She said and immediately started biting her lip.


“How did you get here, Rosamund?”

“I had the butler drive me since I was stranded alone at home.” She said nastily.

“You could have called my cell phone.”

“I shouldn’t have had to. You should have been home with me in the first place.” I looked around the room and everyone was staring at her. I had only thought that her behavior at the birthday party was embarrassing. This was far, far worse. I calmly walked over to Bridge who was giving Rosamund a look of death and handed George to her. I then calmly walked over to Rosamund.


“The baby's coming. Where’s the doctor?” She calmly asked one of the other nurses.

“I’m here! Sorry! I was in my office with a patient so it took a minute to get here.” He turned to Rosamund and me. “I’m doctor. . .”

“I don’t give a rats ass who you are! Just get this baby out of me, NOW!!!” Rosamund yelled at him and then screamed as she had another contraction.


“That really doesn’t make me feel any better. Just makes me feel more stupid.”

“Well, in a way, we’ve all been stupid. I hate to say it, but it’s true. Maybe this is part of growing up, making big mistakes that we hopefully learn from.”

“Well, if that’s the case, we’ll be some of the smartest old people on the planet.”


That night I laid awake thinking about the conversation that Robert, Regina, and I had in the kitchen. Just like them, I was really worried about Rosamund. She had never been the most cheery person, but her lack of enthusiasm was troubling. She acted more upset now than she did after we lost our first baby which made no sense to me, but not much about Rosamund made sense to me. Her behavior was almost always the opposite of what anyone would expect.


“Are you. . .suggesting what I think you are?” I felt my heart start to beat faster and I started silently praying that I was wrong. I knew Jeff had made a mistake marrying her but what she was suggesting went beyond anything that I thought she was capable of.


I looked over at the bedroom door and felt my disbelief turning to anger. I wanted answers and I wanted them at that very moment.


I heard her murmur through the monitor. “ROSAMUND GET OUT HERE NOW!!!” I heard her scramble in the monitor and the bedroom door flung open.

“What the hell are you doing, Jefferson. . .?!"

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